There is enough reasons to choose us.
We perform our work to the limit fast.
We will find the most beneficial pragmatic solution for you.
The most of our new clients come to us by consultation of our previous clients. This is evidence of the highest confidence.
At us work - the diplomaed specialist with extensive legal practice.
Registration firms, the amendment, licensing, liquidation of firms, opening bank accounts, services of advocate for citizens, services of advocate for organizations, protection of intellectual property
Legal entities are established by the will of founders. One has only to pay attention to that the entire process is under control of state bodies.
Legal entities are not statical, so they always changes. Documentation changes not only when firm is expanding, but and when firm is declining.
Liquidation of legal entity is getting only one possible way to further actions very often. The basic reason is debts that the firm is unable to cover.
Opening account must be implemented after company opening at once. Process takes a few days.
«NASA» company is stable.
"Does not matter who are you, and it’s important with who you are!"
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